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Critical Q&A #60

The weekly show where I answer question from viewers left for me in the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent by email to

Here is the link to the article about Hugh Urban mentioned in the show:

This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) I was just listening to you answering the question about the two “triangles”, and you mention how Hubbard posited that these triangles “always” work as he describes, and it got me thinking how often Hubbard uses the absolutes – “always,” “never,” “invariably,” etc. Now, we know that Hubbard also described the S.P. – the Suppressive Person – as “always” speaking in general, absolute terms. Pretty darn obvious, yes? He’s describing himself. There’s a few other places – I’m sure you’ll know them better than I do, where he defines some quality of an S.P. and then demonstrates the same behavior or characteristic himself, almost in the same breath. So, my question to you is, knowing what you know of Hubbard, do you think he was leaving these “in your face” clues to his true nature in his work, deliberately showing his victims the wires and the pulleys of his deception and laughing all the way?

(2) Great video, Chris. Isn’t the Scientology cross also related to Aleister Crowley’s occult symbolism? Can you talk more about Hubbard’s plagiarizing ideas from the occult, Hinduism, and other sources?
I’m having some confusion about the Scientology cross. Didn’t Hubbard pick that up from something Aleister Crowley was using? I heard this somewhere (perhaps in ‘tinfoil hat’ territory online) that at one point Hubbard and Jack Parsons were fooling around with so-called “Sex Magick” in the L.A. area? Am I standing alone in a field on this one?

(3) I was recruited into the cult of Scientology back in the 70’s through my friend’s doctor. He was having emotional problems at the time and went to his doctor for help. His doctor said there was nothing he could do but referred him to the local Scientology org. I went along to support him and got mixed up in it for a time until I walked. Have you heard of any other outside agencies recruiting for Scientology services that people should be aware of?

(4) Why did the US government take such an aggressive approach to the rather benign Branch Davidian cult, which resulted in the horrific deaths of men, women, and children, and yet, the US government continues to maintain a laissez-faire attitude towards all of the serious crimes of the CoS?

(5) People leave Scientology (and the like) for the obvious reason that it is a destructive cult, but it did provide at some point a sense of spirituality and belonging for them. What do you think of the recent decrease in organized religious beliefs and behaviors generally in society? Particularly in the Millennial generation, who say they do not belong to any organized faith. Do you see any similarities in people leaving organized groups, cults, or otherwise?

(6) Have you ever been on the Freewinds and what was she like?

(7) My question is just a quick one regarding Scientology front groups. I watched your video on the subject and was curious as to whether or not an organisation named ‘Ablechild’ is at all affiliated with Scientology? There are mixed responses when trying to research this myself online, there seems to be ties to Scientology groups like CCHR and beliefs such as a very strong anti-psychiatry stance, this even goes as far as to blame all school shooting on “psyche” drugs, however some Ablechild websites deny any connection to Scientology.

(8) Do Sea Org members have IDs? I have known several ex-SO and ex-military members who didn’t get their drivers licenses until later in life, simply because they didn’t need one when they lived on base. Military members have government-issued IDs, so that’s not really an issue for them, but what about SO? Do they simply have no ID cards? You can’t get on a plane or do any number of other activities without ID, so I wonder if this is a sort of control method? Also, what about members who are from other countries? Do they get to keep their passports and visas with them, or do they get locked away “for safekeeping”? Thanks for your time and all your hard work.

2 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #60”

  1. Hi Chris, I would like your take on how SO members view leaving staff. During my years in the SO I worked for 10 different CO’s, and whenever anybody blew, routed out or were off-loaded these CO’s would trash the person at the next muster listing out their bad deeds and some things we didn’t know that came from their pc folders, as the reasons that person left. Frankly I didn’t believe some of those things, they sometimes just seemed like made up stuff. Sometimes a really stellar staff member left and even they were trashed. One is left to think that a huge burden was taken off our plates with their departure. Don’t you think that is a hypocrisy on the part of SO staff? Because if they were to leave the SO for any reason, they too would get the same trashing they were so willing to listen to about others, wouldn’t they? Is the SO so full of bad people that every single one of them would get their “crimes” listed out if they left. Or conversely, is the SO so in need of bad staff members that they don’t ever hire on good people? I don’t really think every SO member is a bad person, but do you think they see this hypocrisy?

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