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Critical Q&A #61

The weekly show where I answer questions from commenters in response to my Q&A videos or sent by email to This week, the questions I take up are:

(1) I have exteriorized once or twice but it was long before I heard of Scientology. It is a sensation very different from dreaming or making things up. After being introduced to Scientology, I have gone backtrack to earlier lives in basic auditing at least once which is also not the same as dreaming. Have you ever exteriorized and have you gone backtrack to earlier lives? Or is this part of what you refer to as nonsense?

(2) I’m a huge fan of your videos and appreciate them so much I became a Patreon supporter! (It was so easy.) You’re doing a great job and I’m happy to contribute so you can continue educating all of us. I was initially drawn to your work because of my fascination with Scientology however I have benefited so much more because you have introduced critical thinking skills into my life. It has prompted a shift in my approach to many things. Thank you!

Now my question: When I was young I thought Christian Science and Scientology were the same thing. I just thought the term “Scientologist” was what parishioners of Christian Science were called but I now realize that’s not the case. While learning about the different tenets of each, I was struck by Mary Baker Eddy’s theory of “malicious animal magnetism” (a malicious person can transmit something harmful or damaging onto another person by thought) and Hubbard’s belief that a PTS/SP can “draw” physical harm onto a Scientologist individually or the group as a whole. I understand Christian Science was at it’s height of popularity in the 40’s. Do you think Hubbard, who liked to repackage ideas and claim them as his own, was influenced by Mary Baker Eddy?

(3) I had a question about the whole “war on psychs” thing. I know Scientologists believe that psychiatry and psychiatrists are evil and suppressive, and that for millions of years they have been oppressing the freedom of beings all across the galaxy. Psychiatry is blamed for causing strife, misery and mental slavery throughout this world and countless others. The church has been very vocal about its condemnation of psychiatry, with Tom Cruise publicly going off on psychiatric drugs and the church’s official campaign against Prop 63 (the Mental Health Services Act). Their “Industry of Death” museum (and I use that word loosely) even hands out disturbing brochures with titles like “Psychiatric Rape” talking about how psychiatrists need to be stopped before it’s too late. With that in mind, are you aware of individual Scientologists that have taken any sort of extreme action against members of the psychiatric community? I didn’t know if that sort of violent fundamentalist extremism was present in Scientology, but I would be surprised if all the hate speech spewed by the CCHR, Miscavige, and Hubbard himself didn’t end up pushing some true believer over the edge?

(4) In an earlier Q&A you discussed the possibility of the Feds raiding Scientology and you pointed out that in order for that to happen, the Feds had to have evidence of criminal activity. While this is certainly correct, I thought you slid past the rather important issue of just what criminal activity the church is involved in. I’m curious what you think the crimes of Scientology might be, not just unethical, immoral or tortorous activity. Seems to me that the church is fairly careful not to cross legal lines and as long as it enjoys protected status as a church, it can engage in all kinds of activitites that aren’t necessarily illegal.

(5) If a person gets someone into the cult, gets a payment for that recruit, when that person then gets people into the cult, does that original person also get a payment for those his recruit brings in?

(6) Which religion beliefs do you find the funniest?

(7) I love your Q&A Chris, keep up the great work. I have a question for you. In Q&A #59 you briefly discussed your prior auditing experiences experiencing the past life of a Scientologist. Shortly after you added that they would have dug up the past auditing record of the person claiming to be cleared OTVIII. I assume they would have done that regardless of the OT level. My question is did they do this to you? And if they did where did you get the name of the prior Scientologist who was on the ship with Hubbard?

(8) Chris, do you miss anything or anyone regarding Scientology?

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