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Critical Q&A #9

The ninth installment of my question-and-answer video show, where I take up questions subscribers and commenters have asked me in my videos and answer them as best I can. Questions in this video are:


(1) After all these years of ex-members coming forward with their own horror stories, I would like to know why the government has not stepped in to investigate this criminal organization. Do you have any insight into why and how they are still allowed to abuse it’s members?

(2) I have read about a dozen LRH books on Scientology from the early 50s such as Scientology: A History of Man and Have You Lived before this Life? and I’ve done videos making fun of them because each book is spectacularly stupid. Did you read any of them when you were a Scientologist and if so, how did you avoid seeing the idiocy his books exude on every page?

(3) Is it true that you were a member of the Church of Scientology for 27 years?

(4) Hi Chris, thanks for the excellent videos and for being so balanced and grounded. Question: Do you have any idea, experience or evidence as to the involvement of the intelligence community in Scientology? What about the fact that the FBI has never really done much about the organization, using the excuse that they cannot do much about a religious organization, while they bulldozer other small religious communities? Much bruhaha has been made about the fact that David Miscavige is on a CIA informant list, which may be real or not. Some people have suspected that Hubbard was a sheep-dipped Naval Intelligence officer and that Scientology is a social experiment. What is your take?

(5) Hey Chris, what is your opinion on OBE’s and past life experiences? I have/had both with me and some of my pc’s. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

(6) I’m curious to know how you and other ex-Sea Org members go about finding work when you get out? It must be especially hard for folks who have been in for many years. Not only do you have to re-examine and redefine yourself and your beliefs (I can’t imagine how much of a mind-fuck that must be), but you’re going from a situation where your living expenses were paid for in exchange for your servitude, to having to provide for yourself in the real world. How do you go about writing a resume or filling out a job application when you spent the last 17 years in a cult?


After so many years in Scientology, what difficulties did you face, if any, transitioning to a non-Scientology life?

(7) Chris, how long does Scientology have left, in your opinion? Will they survive this scrutiny?


Do you think Miscavige even sees the Church existing after he’s gone? Could he imagine anyone else in control?

(8) Hi, Chris. Since leaving the Church of Scientology, have you pursued psychiatry? Without naming names, in general what do former Scientologists’ think of psychology, since the church deems it evil?

4 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #9”

  1. deElizabethan-Dee Findlay

    Regarding psychiatry and listening to what you say, it now became simple for me to think, why don’t they put their money where there mouth is? Meaning they stand so against psychiatry, paying attention in particular to the old days of shock treatment, but are yet not showing or even offering help for those with mental problems, and even turn people from their door. So what are they doing about it? Nothing but giving out a book which is not much different then the ten commandments and not even suggest real doctors who can handle mental problems. It’s so obvious that they have no answers, yet continue to attack the profession, while not being able to help any one with mental problems.

  2. Hi Chris. Do we the people need to focus our efforts on getting the IRS to reverse the tax exempt status of the Co$? What are some ways we can do that? Thank you!

  3. You said you got caught and declared when you started posting online. Can you explain? I’ve decided to quit but can’t tell my family and I don’t want to get declared and have them disconnect. How did they know it was you? Do you know how they track people?

  4. Hi Chris,
    Great job on the videos. You said your parents got into Scientology when you were just four years old. How did this affect your education? Did you go to Scientology” schools?” Did you go to high school/college/trade school? Can you talk a little about your family? Are they still in Scientology?

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