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[VIDEO] I’m an Ex-Scientologist

Hi. I’m Chris Shelton. I’m a writer, blogger and video producer. I grew up in the Church of Scientology and worked for the organization for 25 years.

People call Scientology a cult. And they’re right. It is a cult.

But the last people who are ever going to realize that, are the Scientologists.

Their faith is such a shallow and fragile thing, they can’t stand for anyone to challenge or question anything about it. They just fall to pieces when you do. I’ve tried reaching out to some Scientologists I used to know but they’d rather keep their heads in the sand than even acknowledge that I exist. It makes me sad because I miss them.

How has my life been different since I left? Oh man, there are so many things I could say.

But I guess the best way to put it, is that my life has been a lot less…crazy. For instance,

I no longer believe that L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige are somehow blessed with divine infallibility and are really smarter than everyone else.

I no longer believe that if the leaders of the nations of Earth would just listen to Scientology, that the Scientologists would set everything straight with the world.

I no longer fear the consequences of asking too many questions about things in Scientology that don’t make any sense, like why so much money is being raised to buy great big church buildings which stand empty.

I will no longer have to undergo hard labor or rigorous “ethics programs” because I’m asking too many questions or because I’m not working hard enough or because I’ve demonstrated a lack of faith.

I no longer have to listen to anyone telling me how I should think or act or speak, or how to raise my kids or whether I can even get married and have kids.

I no longer fear the Internet or have to screen out anti-Scientology data in order to protect my immortal soul for all of eternity.

I no longer believe that I am in a unique position to save all the other ignorant human beings on the planet because of the special knowledge and status I have as a Scientologist.

I no longer feel that the end justifies the means, nor that anything I do for Scientology is right just because it’s for Scientology.

I no longer feel guilty or shameful for not giving all of my money and time to Scientology.

I no longer feel like Scientology is more important than my family, my friends or pretty much anything else in my life, nor do I have to worry anymore about non-Scientologist friends or relationships.

I no longer support the idea that Scientology needs lots and lots and lots of money to get things done and that it will never really have enough money to accomplish its goals.

I no longer believe that it comes down to us Scientologists versus the rest of the delusional humanoids on this planet, nor do I have to wonder anymore why people can’t see how great Scientology obviously is.

I no longer live in fear of leaving the Church of Scientology because of what they might do to me, my family, my job or my life.

I no longer believe that my life is enhanced by my obedience to other men’s ideas of how I should live my life.

All of those things are what make Scientology a cult.

Once you have someone in and you can convince them that they are in a special and unique place where they are superior and different from everybody else, then it’s easy to hold on to them. Because they will convince themselves that anything wrong with the group is just a temporary phase and that everything is going to work out great in the end.

Cults like Scientology preach that knowledge is dangerous and that you should purposefully keep your head in the sand.

They create a mindset in their members that everyone who is not a Scientologist doesn’t know what they are talking about and shouldn’t be listened to. And that’s just not right.

The day I woke up and saw that I needed to get out of Scientology was the day that I realized I was telling more lies than I was telling truth. I was having to put on a happy face and justify things going on around me that just didn’t make any sense that or that I just knew weren’t true. And I didn’t want to live that life anymore. I mean, who wants to go around telling lies and half-truths all the time just to make things look good? Not me. So I decided to get out.

Coming out of that situation, my head was wrapped around a pole and it took me months to figure things out. The thing that really turned it around was learning critical thinking skills.

The most important thing is to not be afraid of knowledge.

No one person or group has all the answers to everything. What you have to do is go out there and get the answers for yourself. Free access to information and taking advantage of that access is the key to life. It unlocks everything.

My life is so much better now that Scientology is not a part of it.

Now that I’m out, I will never, ever go back.

I’m Chris Shelton

I’m a writer.

I’m a blogger.

I’m a video producer.

I’m a rational human being

and I’m an ex-Scientologist.

24 thoughts on “[VIDEO] I’m an Ex-Scientologist”

  1. Loooove it!!! What a “fun”, awesome video. I was smiling at the creativity all the way through. Even had a quiet, out-loud chuckle to myself at the toothbrush moment – even though I’m alone in my home office! Preach it, brotha’!!!

  2. Immediately, you place the observer in a comfortable ‘calming’ position to listen. With the different settings after every major thought you encourage the observer to watch until the very end. You make watching this video exciting to watch because you are calm and collected and communicate in a clear precise manner. In short, I loved this video!

    1. Good suggestion Cece! I just went in and added a “share” button which appears at the end of the post, right before the comments section. Give that a try. There is also a small triangle-like shape in the top-right corner of the video window and you can click on that to share the video link on Facebook or other social media.

  3. Dayum, Chris. Another terrific video and blog post. Here’s to every Scientologist who musters the courage to step past the cultish self-censorship and look, just look. :tiphat:

  4. Life can be wonderful as an ex, in that we can take time to ‘stop and smell the roses’. We can laugh, love and have time for some fun by ourselves and /or with others. Every day is a gift!
    Chris, I’m so happy you are doing what you are, and doing it so well. Thank you!

  5. Did Youtube censure this video for?
    Almost all of the audio is just music, maybe its a only a Youtube Canada issue?

    If they did censure you, please upload it to Dailymotion as well, they’re a lot more open minded.

    I would love to watch the entire video as I love your work.

    1. No, no censoring from YouTube occurred. I can tune in to it on YouTube and it plays fine. The first 20 seconds of the video is just music. Did you watch past that?

      1. Hmm,
        I do not get to hear any of your actual comments until 1:15 and then its back to music. I only get to hear 4 of your comments throughout the entire video.

        I guess it must be Youtube Canada or Xenu is watching me (again).
        Anyway you can please email me a copy?

        Either way, thank you for your work.

        1. Curtis, instead of watching it on my blog page, go to YouTube and watch it from there. There should be a little YouTube icon in the bottom right of the video window which will take you to YouTube. Otherwise, go to this link: If the sound is still in issue there (or you are already on YouTube directly), try changing the settings button (the little cogwheel icon at the bottom right of the playbox) so that you are watching it in HD instead of auto or regular quality. This should change the sound to stereo so that you can hear my voice as well as the music. Let me know how this works out.

          1. I went directly to Youtube as you have suggested and tried all of the various settings possible with no luck.
            I did turn on the closed captions, which was rather amusing in itself. One might think L. Ron himself wrote those because the words are so disjointed and incorrect.

            I have some proxy software at home (I am stuck in the office) and will try that later.

            One further note, I read on The Underground Bunker all the comments on the 20 minute run time for the video. I am getting a runtime of only 6:21. Weird and weirder.


            1. Curtis, this video is only 6:21 long. I was asking on the Bunker about a different matter involving longer videos, which is why people were talking about 20 minute videos. I’m out of ideas on what could be wrong with the sound. I believe it is tied in with you not being able to hear it in stereo, but otherwise I don’t know why you are not able to adjust this at your end. Sorry 🙁

          2. Curtis, you don’t by chance have that Scientology spyware blocking devise installed on your computer which blocks anything anti-Scientology related?

            I would suggest doing a thorough anti-virus, anti-malware scan to make sure.

    2. Chris,

      You are great, you made me laugh so much that at the end of the video I was crying. What a treat! Life is so good after Scientology!
      It is like getting out of prison, but I have reasons to believe that a prisoner has more rights than Sea Org staff.
      Keep on telling the truth and sharing your experience.
      Thank you very much, this might help a lot of people who start questioning the absurdities of this warped wicked money making organisation which does not contribute to anything in society and does not even pay the taxes we all pay.

    3. Chris, I felt like I wrote this! I have went through all these feelings myself! I’m so happy to be out. Our lives have been “straight up and vertical” stat wise (LOL) since leaving and I too am proud to be an Ex! Oh, and I also went through many many phases of being out, with one of them being that I wasn’t “anything”, no labeling of me. But I have come to realize that I’m completely an Ex-Scientologist as well and I will NEVER go back either!

      Course, with that said, I do not condemn anyone with religious beliefs, even if it’s Scientology. To each their own, but this organization needs to be completely exposed so other people do not get tripped up in it like we did.

      I love what you’re doing with these videos!

      I had to chuckle right along with you at the end…….so reminded me of the “I am a Scientologist” videos! I’m still laughing at your slant on it. Perfection.

    4. Very, very powerful on so many levels. Your videos are evolving exponentially, and that is not to say that you first one was not great.

    5. From a pamphlet about helping those who have walked away from cults: ¨The aim when looking at the philosophy of the group is to try to bring to the attention of the former member the inconsistencies and contradictions within the particular group’s world view. When a person’s critical ability has been impaired by cult methods the belief system programmed
      into the cult member does not have to be as logical as one might first imagine. By analyzing the philosophy with the former cultist, the counselor can try to reactivate the critical faculties of the ex-member so as to help him to re-evaluate the true nature of the group and his former association with it.
      When considering the third and last key issue for discussion with him, it is important to have as much information ahead of time on the corrupt nature of the group. This is not the case when preparing to talk about the psychology of the cult’s methods and the philosophy of the group,
      because this information can be given by the cult victim to the counselor through the relevant questions being asked. However, the average walk-away is not likely to have much more information than being aware of the most common deceitful cult practice of misrepresenting themselves to the general public, when soliciting funds or attracting potential recruits to their first meeting.¨
      Your videos and blogs are a welcome addition to the continuing and evolving discussion about the toxic effects of membership in this cult and how to exit the nightmare… Good job 🙂

    6. Wow! I just found your site. I am so glad to hear you got out. I knew you were worth so much more than that organization.

      It warms my heart to see you doing well and to see your genuinely happy smile.

      You are doing some really valuable dissemination here!

    7. Very cleverly put, explained, shot and easy to follow; excelent work M Shelton ! you are the new gard and whistleblower
      mary abadi

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