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[VIDEO] Scientology’s Infiltration into Society: Front Groups

The Church of Scientology is not all that it seems.

It’s always worse than you think.

With the recent tragedy in Paris, Scientology has hit an all new low in their money grubbing activities by trying to get Scientologists to donate yet again for mass printing and distribution of Scientology’s Way to Happiness booklets. They want to pass out thousands of these booklets in Paris because Scientologists credit the moral precepts this book contains with helping to calm social unrest and restore peace to hotspots in the world, a claim that has absolutely no proof behind it whatsoever.

But as Mike Rinder pointed out on his blog, if they really wanted to get this book to the people who need to learn precepts like “Don’t Murder” and “Do Not Harm a Person of Goodwill” then shouldn’t they be airdropping this booklet over terrorist strongholds in the Middle East?

It was seeing just how low Scientology is willing to go that has spurned me to start a new series of videos. While myself and others have detailed the various ways and means the Church of Scientology lures people in and preys on them for as long as they are willing to hand over hard earned cash, there’s a whole other picture going on that is far more hidden and insidious.

I’m talking about Scientology front groups, meaning separate corporate entities which don’t appear on the surface to have any direct ties or affiliation with Scientology. These front groups are staffed almost exclusively by Scientologists and operate for only one purpose: to sucker people out of their money.

Like Scientology, these groups exert a high degree of control and demand a lot of time and money from their supporters.

“As any control we exert upon the public brings about a better society, we are entirely justified in using control.” L. Ron Hubbard

The list of these front groups is very long. I will list some of their larger or more mainline ones here. If any of these groups or their affiliates have made contact with you or are somehow allied with any cause you are associated with, then realize that Scientology has successfully insinuated itself into your life.

Association for Better Living and Education
The Way to Happiness Foundation
Applied Scholastics
The Truth about Drugs campaign
United for Human Rights (Youth for Human Rights)
Citizens Commision on Human Rights
World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE)
Author Services Inc
Concerned Businessmen’s Association of America
Drug Free Marshalls campaign
Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education
International Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance
Galaxy Press
Cult Awareness Network
Lead the Way to a Drug Free USA
Meridian Consulting Group
Sterling Management Consultants
World Literacy Crusade

When you walk into a Church of Scientology, the pitch is directed at you personally. It’s all about your doubts and fears and problems and how Scientology can help you to not only resolve those, but continue on a path to personal spiritual freedom and immortality. Sounds great, huh? If only it were true.

With these front groups, some of them also prey on individual problems such as illiteracy or drug abuse. However, they also appeal to the part of us that wants to see the world be a better place and ask us to contribute our money and our time to that cause. They do this by trying to convince us that L. Ron Hubbard was a genius, a social revolutionary. They claim he had the solutions to all the social, political and moral issues plaguing Mankind. Of course, once we’ve bought into it this far and have signed on to help or donate to these front groups, then a whole new pitch is directed towards getting us into a Church of Scientology so we can be conned out of all of our money.

The Scientology website talks about “how they help” and shows videos of some of these groups, but not all of them. And if you don’t know to go look on that website in the first place, you might not ever realize that these “secular groups” as they call themselves, are in fact just extended arms of the main body of Scientology. They put on a public face but are in fact 100% pure Scientology.

These groups do not advertise openly about their affiliation with Scientology and even if you ask them upfront and directly about it, they will give you wishy-washy or vague answers to try to placate any concerns you might have. They will distance themselves from Scientology but will talk about L. Ron Hubbard’s humanitarian efforts or brush you off with “well what we do works, so what’s the problem?”

In this video series, I’ll give you their history and background, their true purposes and objectives and how each of them run a con on the public at large in order to rake in as much money as they can for Scientology. In the end, that is what it’s all about.

I would be the last person to argue if anyone accused me of having an anti-Scientology bias. However, I want to be clear that if Scientology’s social betterment solutions worked, I would have no problem with what they are doing and I would in fact, endorse them myself. I honestly wish that I had no reason to be making these videos.

Unfortunately, the solutions these groups offer are not as universally workable as they would like to pretend and, since they are only front groups for Scientology, their real motives are being hidden from you from the very beginning.

The list I showed earlier is only a small number of the groups that Scientology sponsors or that individual Scientologists have started. Watch out for these groups. When you donate money to what you think are worthy causes, be aware of where that money is actually going. Of course this is true of any group you are donating to, but with these front groups, even more so.

Accountability and results are the cornerstones of any valuable charity or social betterment group. Scientology groups will give you neither.

Thank you for watching.

4 thoughts on “[VIDEO] Scientology’s Infiltration into Society: Front Groups”

  1. For some reason it is hard to believe they don’t make a better world they think and wholly believe they do. However I have not been better off because of my participation and it is now a horrible 100 percent registration experience for books training processing ias and put out they know I don’t ugly!!!!

  2. That was beautiful Chris.
    Thanks for exposing this cult of greed for what it really is.
    And also thanks for exposing the front groups who hide the fact-
    that they are only trying to make more money for the cult of greed.

    SCIENTOLOGY: the science of getting you to pay for things you don’t need.

  3. Pingback: Scientology Front Groups Exposed!... Ex Sea Org Derek Bloch Proves Leaving The Cult Is The Best Thing You Can Do - Scientology Bollocks

  4. Thank you again Chris for coming forward to the front line against the cult of greed. Your work is highly appreciated.

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