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[VIDEO] The Scientology Experience: Robyn Capella (Part 2)

We pick up in this interview in 1990 when Robyn had just completed the Sea Org’s version of boot camp, called the Estates Project Force or EPF. Once a person completes this, they are usually assigned to a specific sub-organization within the Church hierarchy where they will learn a new job or what they call a post, and spend quite some time doing that.
However, because the Sea Org tries to do so much and has so few people, resources are often stretched thin. It is a usual case that instead of establishing a person and training them well and keeping them on a post while they get more new recruits into the Sea Org, the people in charge of personnel in the SO will transfer staff around from place to place to solve whatever emergency situation has hit the lines. This can result in people being moved around many times a year and in Robin’s case, that’s exactly what happened.

There are some other details of Robyn’s early Sea Org experiences that are also quite eye-opening and give us a realy great insight into what life is like in Scientology’s elite corps and how long this group has been ripping off its members and worse. You are not going to believe what’s at the end of this part of the interview. Remember while you are watching this that these people consider themselves to be the elite of planet Earth, the best and brightest of all Mankind and the people who are saving the world.

3 thoughts on “[VIDEO] The Scientology Experience: Robyn Capella (Part 2)”

  1. Wow, so they knew as far back as the early 90s that the library book campaign was a failure and they kept it going later with the basics. I guess I’m not surprised but man that really pisses me off!

  2. Excellent work as always, Chris, and well done to Robyn. At the start of the interview Robyn mentioned a man called Robin from England; what was his surname?

  3. One Thursday Staff Meeting, the Executive Director initiates us on the existence of this office of authority, the GO [Guardians Office], and basically left all 180 of us shuddering in fear. Very unpleasant. And here we were, an independent org that wasn’t even dealing with public, yet, all quite frightened that maybe any moment somebody from GO might show up and raise holy hell.

    It just occurs to me, this intention to install fear in our minds, how it is part of the daily routine,
    the daily creation of fear, in your followers, as a strategy for your followers to keep them following, (?)…
    Sounds so much like using eternal damnation to keep the Catholics going to church.

    I never liked talking too much about my time there, you know, after I got out.
    [ The Delphian Foundation, which is designed and ran, as it turns out, exactly the same way Sea Org is run ]
    I would have dreams, after taking to some bloke in the bar or something, that I was back there, being shunned or whatever for having been away and feeling trapped.
    Funny, how this makes you think…

    Even years after I was out, I did not think of the place as a trap, precisely.

    It took that much distance and this much time between then and now to realize that absolutely it was a trap and I was just plain unable to see it BECAUSE the trap was built that well. It is just exactly like being hypnotized into thinking you’re a chicken.

    You know, I need to take a walk. Me thinks i gots to take a walk…

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