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The Value of an Open Mind

It’s funny how, since I’ve left Scientology behind me, how I keep running into certain principles and rules they have which are totally contrary to living a rational and sane life. I just recently came across one of these instances and I was really surprised to discover how important this actually is.

I’ve mentioned before that intelligence or IQ have absolutely nothing to do with proofing a person up against getting involved in a destructive cult like Scientology, nor getting hoodwinked in other ways too. A very good article on by Barbara Drescher actually went into this in detail and cited specific scientific studies that were done on how we think and come to
conclusions. I’ve included a link to it at the end of this video.

One of the things I’ve struggled with since learning about critical thinking is the sometimes frustrating fact that we don’t seem to naturally think in a logical or reasoned way. We have preconceived ideas, our desires often determine what facts we will choose to accept or reject and we jump to conclusions all the time. Often our intelligence is not used to ferret out what the best solution to a problem is but instead is used to justify the silly or irrational decisions we make based on what feels good, regardless of the facts.

There is sometimes this idea that emotion runs up against logic and the two are at war, kind of like some people view religion and science. I don’t happen to agree with this idea because I think that the miracle of human beings is that we are able to hold both of these things within us – emotion-based beliefs and fact-based logic – at the same time. In fact, that is what it means to be human.

So while we may not be innately logical or natively rational, we can learn and we can apply ourselves and we have a lot of potential.

The article I cited earlier talks about a principle that I think is pretty universal and which I think anyone can adopt to think more rationally and skillfully, without sacrificing their emotional desires or hopes or dreams.

I think the only thing we should be intolerant of is intolerance. And here’s the cool thing – rationality and tolerance have a lot to do with each other.

So where do we start? By having an open mind. This is why I keep talking about science, because one of the cornerstones of science is always being open to new ideas, new evidence and new information.

Look at it this way. How do we discover anything? By going out and getting information and reviewing it and getting other people’s take on it and then, if we are really smart, getting more information to verify what we think we learned. In a nutshell, that IS the scientific method.

Now looking at the opposite of this, what are the hallmarks of prejudice and intolerance and hate? Being close minded, unwilling to look or listen or accept any ideas. Let’s face it – there is no one who is more insufferable and hard to socialize with than know-it-alls, the kind who aren’t really listening to you when you’re talking but are only waiting for you to shut up so they can tell you more about what they think and how they see things. These kind of people are not listening to understand and they aren’t talking to even convince you of anything so much as they are just trying to bludgeon you into silence so they can be right.

Being tolerant of something doesn’t mean you have to agree with it. You don’t have to change your morality or how you live in order to tolerate someone or something else’s existence. Tolerance simply means allowing the existence or practice of something else, even something you don’t like, without interference.

Are there areas or subjects in your life that are closed off and not open to discussion? Are there things you are so sure of that you couldn’t possibly imagine them being any different? Have you ever had this feeling of irritation or even rage come up inside you when someone tries to talk about a certain topic or convince you that maybe there’s more to know about it?

Maybe those are areas where you could be a little more open minded.

It’s not necessarily easy to do this. Sometimes it takes real effort. But rational thought and common sense and real understanding are only possible when we are open to new ideas and to changing our mind about our old ones.

And if you are looking for proof of what I’m talking about, check this out. In the Church of Scientology, which we know is a destructive and authoritarian cult, one of their most firm rules is to beware of certain types of people who they call Sources of Trouble. If any of these sources of trouble come in to one of their churches and want to try it out, they are quickly shown the door and not let back in. Do you know what one of those sources of trouble are? People who have an open mind.

Tolerance and understanding are the only way we are going to all live together in peace. Probably the most important factor in achieving this is for all of us to be a bit more open minded. This is a vital part of critical thinking.

Thank you for watching.

6 thoughts on “The Value of an Open Mind”

  1. Hi Chris!

    I always thought that the e-meter “science” was BS and here is Sam Harris talking about the polygraph (the bottom podcast at around the 10 minute mark).
    The fact that the e-meter is so central to Scientology and that it is used to commit people of thought-crimes, and that the people believe in its power make it key to the debunking of Scientology. That this primitive device has caused and continues to cause so many people so much pain and suffering is a travesty of critical thinking and human rights.
    When I heard Sam talk about the polygraph, I immediately thought of you and your potential to do a great video on the subject 🙂

      1. Thanks buddy! You are unique in your ability to create these type of impactful videos, or at least in the upper-echelon 🙂

  2. Hi Chris, I’d like to see you cover the following topics:
    1. Hubbard’s so-called breakthrough of the ILLOGICS
    2. Hubbard’s INVESTIGATIONS procedures, including DATA EVALUATION
    3. Hubbard’s use of STATISTICS and CONDITIONS
    4. Why do so many “handlings” in CoS end up with a HEAD ON A PIKE or a BLACK PR HANDLING?

  3. [“I will create a new religion, and I will become a millionaire.”]*
    – LRH, boasting at the club of aristocrats of which he was not a member, probably late 1940’s.

    So I was on YouTube today and the video I clicked on was preceeded by this ad that kicked right in blasting Alex Gibney and labeling his documentary “Going Clear” as propaganda. I confess to being unable to watch more than about 12 seconds of this, none of which addressed the virtues of Scientology or the issues raised in the film, but all of which was just to proclaim Alex as some sort of deranged mudslinger or whatever they could dream up to discredit his work.

    After creating the “church” LRH had to devote an entire organization to protecting it, and the policies put in place were rigid and ruthless. They had to be, as something prolific and controversial as a new religion openly expressing the determination to become the most important philosophy of the modern age would certainly be confronted or even attacked by some detractors, such as the establishment and the rest of humanity whos achievements are all summarily discounted and proclaimed as secondary in importance to the “applied religious philosophy” of Scientology. (pardon the run-on sentence) That’s how we got the policies of dissconnection, and this notion of “Fair Game” wherein it is declared that even breaking the law is OK if it done to protect the church.
    It is all about what you believe.
    The real danger of Scientology is the aim to make you believe that there is only one source of higher knowledge, that there is such a thing as infallable truth that cannot be challenged. Do so from inside the church and you will be isolated, forbidden to talk with fellow members and kept there until passing a thought-control mechanism they refer to as a “Security Check”. Get ready for some trials, for you are about to be accused of “thought crimes”. Nowadays, now that these and other practices are becoming revealed thanks to the information age, the whole organization is even more top-heavy with secretive departments, organizations whose entire purpose is, as always, to protect the world org and root out the dissenters, the “Potential Trouble Sources”. For Scientology the entire world has become the enemy. Freedom to doubt is quite illegal in this church. Critical thinking is the enemy of this church. Whatever good in terms of knowledge they may have to offer, the price you will have to pay to employ it is reason itself.

    I just have to get bugged, getting this unsolicited YouTube AD, telling me what a bum Alex Gibney is. And they put Pulitzer prize winner Lawrence Wright in the same boat, too, for his book upon which the movie is based.
    Science is a matter of critical thinking. Scientology would be the polar opposite, if my sense of reasoning has anything to say about it.
    The highest truth is what you, yourself, determine it to be, period.

    *I paraphrased that entire quote, and data following it is from memory after reading the book “Going Clear”, which begins by discussing the pre-Scientology biography of L. Ron Hubbard.

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